Welcome to the new Movie Muse!

Goodbye, Blogger! In the quest to make Movie Muse more awesome in a multitude of ways, I purchased the official domain and now present you MOVIEMUSEREVIEWS.COM. Same thing as before, only more professional. It’ll be easier for you and easier for me in the long run.

After working out a few kinks with the help of my buddy Michael over the last month, we’re up an running on WordPress, which will allow me to better organize, maintain, tweak and track everything going on on the site. There are still things I want to try improve, but it was time to officially switch over.

Simultaneous with this “unveiling” is that Movie Muse now has its own Twitter, Movie_Muse. Follow me NOW for links to content as its published as well. As more incentive to follow, I’ll be Tweeting links to cool stuff I find on movie sites across the web and keeping you posted on what I’m working on.

Here’s a quit little explanation/tutorial of the new site!

  • Better navigation. Now you can access menus (under the banner, across the top) for quicker and aesthetic access to all the different kinds of content I post from reviews to news to my weekend box office predictions. You can click the headings but some, such as Archive Reviews, have a drop-down menu to find specifically what you’re looking for.
  • Picture slides. The images you see at the top are all links to my reviews of films in theaters I’ve reviewed most recently. Since my site is founded on reviews mostly, I’ve placed them in prime real estate. Use the arrows to go back and forth through my 8 most recent posts.
  • Pages. Way up in the top left you’ll see links for Home, About Me and Movie Site Links. These pages will allow me to put anything important that I want as a permanent fixture to the site in prime real estate. I have some more ideas cooking, but I’d also love suggestions.
  • Simpler sidebars. Less is more here. The WP theme I chose provided the first sidebar, a scroll of all the most recent posts on the site. That way you can see what’s new without having to scroll all the way down the page. It’s not perfect, but it’s a nice feature. There are also most recent posts in a standard format, monthly archives and most commented.
  • Choose what you want to read. WP has the lovely feature of allowing you to choose if you want to read more, which will keep you from having to scroll way too much to find something you want to read. It also doubles as a way for me to check which posts you’re reading the most and then I can make improvements to the site based on the trends.

I hope you like the new site! I encourage you to leave comments on posts you really like (even ones you dislike) as well as suggestions for what I could do better. Don’t be shy!


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